Welcome Lucy’s Law

A new vital piece of legislation and a significant milestone for animal welfare in England.

On Monday 6th April we welcomed the introduction of Lucy’s Law, a new vital piece of legislation meaning that anyone buying a puppy or kitten under 6 months old must deal directly with the breeder or an animal rehoming centre. A significant milestone for animal welfare in England and a huge step towards putting a stop to this cruelty, but we all need to do our bit to make sure this legislation is enforced.

Founder, Jacquie Neilson says “Please don’t be fooled by the nice lady or man that offers to drop your puppy off because “they are passing” or will happily bring it to your home, or meet you at the services or the pub car park. These are all classic signs of puppy farms.  The mum will be left behind in a dirty dismal room, and will already have been mated, ready for the next litter she is to produce.  Puppies will be washed and fluffy ready for collection but you can’t scrub away the damage already done to their little bodies hidden on the inside.  That will never go away.  We all have to play our part and hard though it is, Do Not Buy a puppy or kitten without doing your research and seeing a healthy cared for mum”

These people rent houses posing as a happy family, they set up the scenario and people fall for it selling hundreds from the front room. 

There are huge sums of money involved here. We are constantly hearing stories that puppy farming is funding many types of crime in the world. Stories that it pays for drug money, it buys guns and ammunition and is a big vehicle generating income for terrorists. Don’t be fooled that it’s innocent, it isn’t. Think about the mum and dad of that puppy or kitten that are left behind for the next batch. 

Always do your research and always ask questions.”

Full details on Lucy’s Law and how you can spot the warning signs of cruel puppy and kitten dealers can be found here


Rain Rescue would like to thank everyone who has been involved in making this happen ????

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Please note: If we are oversubscribed on a particular item we may substitute for another we are in need of. Your gift will be used where the need is greatest.

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